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2021-09-29 20:16:28 +02:00
# The Basic
2021-09-28 21:03:24 +02:00
Angular serves the **index.html** in the `src` directory and loads the components from the `src/app` directory.
The scafolding creates a root-component which is loaded into the index.html on the `<app-root></app-root>`-Tag.
In the `@Component` we find a `selector` with the value of `<app-root></app-root>`. With this selector, Angular is able to replace in the index.thml on the `<app-root></app-root>`-Tag with the content in the app.component.html.
When the app is builded, the angular cli will inject at the bottom a bundle of *.js files which is needet to run the app.
`main.ts` is the file which will be executet at the beginning.
<img src="../img/ngmodule.png" alt="ngmodule" width="800"/><br>
<img src="../img/component.png" alt="component" width="800"/>
Angular's main ideas is to build components to build an app. Each Component has it's own template (html), maybe it's own style (CSS) and more important it's own business logic.
2021-09-29 20:16:28 +02:00
Components can be reused in multiple parts or the application.
## Component
The `app.component` is a special component. It serves to bootstrap all the application and is the root of the application. All the *selectors* for the other components are located now in the `app.component.html`.
2021-10-02 18:29:06 +02:00
Good practice to create a new component, you should create a directory in the app folder and name it the same as the componentname. The convention of naming the component is like this `name.component.ts`.
2021-09-29 20:16:28 +02:00
A component is a class which angular is able to instanciate.
Required files for a component are a `server.component.ts` and a `server.component.html`.
In the *.ts file goes the logic and in the *.html file is the template of the component.
import { Component } from '@angular/core'; // Import for the Component-Decorator
@Component({ // Decorator
selector: 'app-server', // Unique selector
templateUrl: './server.component.html' // template file
export class ServerComponent { // Component-Class
This register the component and let angular know that a new component was created, it needs to be declared in the root app module (`app.module.ts`). Add it in the `declarations`-array and for TS to find the file, it needs also an import.
2021-10-02 18:29:06 +02:00
<img src="../img/app-module.png" alt="app-module" width="600"/><br>
By adding the component-Tag to the `app.component.html` the component will be inbedded in the app.
A component can be created with the ancular CLI
# long
ng generate component <name>
# short
ng g c <name>
This command will create a new folder and automatically update the `app.module`.
A component can be Nested. *Server* will be moved to the *Servers*. So that in the Dom we finde a wrapper arround the *Server-Component*:
<img src="../img/serversComponent.png" alt="app-servers" width="650"/><br>
### Selector
Angular have multiple ways to select the component (CSS-Selectors):
- by element `<app-server></app-server>`
- by attribute `[app-server]`
- by class `.app-server`
## Databinding
What is Databinding? Communication between TS-Code (Businessloginc) and the Template (HTML).
2021-12-13 20:00:55 +01:00
<img src="../img/databinding.png" alt="databinding" width="650"/><br>
## String Interpolation
With Databinding can be used to dynamically load data into the HTML-template. For example like this:
<p>{{ 'server' }} with ID {{ serverID }} is {{ serverStatus }}</p>
In the `{{ }}` can be executed an TS Expression wich can be a simple property like `serverID`, `serverStatus` or any **Method** which returns a **string**.
Note that a number can easily be converted into a string, so there is no need to explicitly convert it.
The `{{ 'server' }}` is just a string output.
To pront some text in the template use String interpolation.
## Property Binding
`[ ]` indicates that we want to use a property binding.
Exsample to activate a Button after 2seconds:
[disabled="!allowNewServer"]>Add Server</button>
export class ServerComponent implements OnInit {
allowNewServer = false;
setTimeout(() => {
this.allowNewServer = true;
}, 2000);
Change something dynamically upon an element use Property Binding.
<p [innerText]="!allowNewServer"></p>
This syntax is recognized by angular. You cant mix with the curlybraces from the string interpolation. String interpolation is a TS feature.
## Event binding
(click)="onCreateServer()">Add Server</button>
<p>{{ serverCreationStatus }}</p>
## Passing and Using Data with Event binding
With the keyword `$event` we can extract lots of data from this object of type Event.
onUpdateServerName(event: Event) {
this.serverName = (<HTMLImputElement>event.target).value;
<p>{{ serverName }}</p>
## Two-Way-Databinding
Important: For Two-Way-Binding to work, you need to enable the `ngModel` directive. This is done by adding the `FormsModule` to the `imports[]` array in the **AppModule**.
You then also need to add the import from @angular/forms in the app.module.ts file:
import { FormsModule } from '@angular/forms';
Updates the Input or Target based on eather one is changed.
## Directives
Directives are Instructions in the DOM.
<img src="../img/directives.png" alt="directives" width="400"/><br>
Angular Documentation of [Built-in directives](https://angular.io/guide/built-in-directives)
## ngIf
Built-In directive which binds the data based on a condition. This
## ngStyle
Changes a CSS style attribute
## ngClass
Adds or removes a CSS-Class from the element.
## ngFor
Adds an ammount of elements to the DOM.
<app-server *ngFor="let server of servers"><(app-server)>