# Pipes Pipes transform output in the template. overview The Data remains the same as the output change. The right place to place a pipe, is in the template. Example of piping ```html
  • {{ server.status }} {{ server.name | shorten:15 }} | {{ server.instanceType | uppercase }} | {{ server.started | date:'fullDate' | uppercase }}
  • ``` Chaining the pipes together the order is important. Angular pipe [documentation](https://angular.io/api?query=pipe) ## Create custom pipe ```ts import { Pipe, PipeTransform } from '@angular/core'; @Pipe({ name: 'filter', pure: false }) export class FilterPipe implements PipeTransform { transform(value: any, filterString: string, propName: string): any { if (value.length === 0 || filterString === '') { return value; } const resultArray = []; for (const item of value) { if (item[propName] === filterString) { resultArray.push(item); } } return resultArray; } } ``` If Data are changed, the pipe dont get updated. For example if the application applies a filer pipe.