Angular serves the **index.html** in the `src` directory and loads the components from the `src/app` directory.
The scafolding creates a root-component which is loaded into the index.html on the `<app-root></app-root>`-Tag.
In the `@Component` we find a `selector` with the value of `<app-root></app-root>`. With this selector, Angular is able to replace in the index.thml on the `<app-root></app-root>`-Tag with the content in the app.component.html.
When the app is builded, the angular cli will inject at the bottom a bundle of *.js files which is needet to run the app.
`main.ts` is the file which will be executet at the beginning.
Angular's main ideas is to build components to build an app. Each Component has it's own template (html), maybe it's own style (CSS) and more important it's own business logic.
Components can be reused in multiple parts or the application.
## Component
The `app.component` is a special component. It serves to bootstrap all the application and is the root of the application. All the *selectors* for the other components are located now in the `app.component.html`.
Good practice to create a new component, you should create a directory in the app folder and name it the same as the componentname. The convention of naming the component is like this `name.component.ts`.
This register the component and let angular know that a new component was created, it needs to be declared in the root app module (`app.module.ts`). Add it in the `declarations`-array and for TS to find the file, it needs also an import.
With Databinding can be used to dynamically load data into the HTML-template. For example like this:
<p>{{ 'server' }} with ID {{ serverID }} is {{ serverStatus }}</p>
In the `{{ }}` can be executed an TS Expression wich can be a simple property like `serverID`, `serverStatus` or any **Method** which returns a **string**.
Note that a number can easily be converted into a string, so there is no need to explicitly convert it.
The `{{ 'server' }}` is just a string output.
To pront some text in the template use String interpolation.
## Property Binding
`[ ]` indicates that we want to use a property binding.
Exsample to activate a Button after 2seconds:
[disabled="!allowNewServer"]>Add Server</button>
export class ServerComponent implements OnInit {
allowNewServer = false;
setTimeout(() => {
this.allowNewServer = true;
}, 2000);
Change something dynamically upon an element use Property Binding.
This syntax is recognized by angular. You cant mix with the curlybraces from the string interpolation. String interpolation is a TS feature.
## Event binding
(click)="onCreateServer()">Add Server</button>
<p>{{ serverCreationStatus }}</p>
## Passing and Using Data with Event binding
With the keyword `$event` we can extract lots of data from this object of type Event.
Important: For Two-Way-Binding to work, you need to enable the `ngModel` directive. This is done by adding the `FormsModule` to the `imports[]` array in the **AppModule**.
You then also need to add the import from @angular/forms in the app.module.ts file:
import { FormsModule } from '@angular/forms';
Updates the Input or Target based on eather one is changed.